Outside the Lines

Kristen Rad has this laugh. It is one of the most joyful things ever. Ever. When she laughs, it is 100% genuine. No fake laughs here. No awkward, I’m-just-laughing-to-break-the-tension laughs. No tiny, under the breath chuckles. When Kristen Rad laughs, she means it. It is effortless and completely delightful. 

But I am getting ahead of myself. Perhaps we should start at the beginning.

Kristen Radoslovich has been teaching violin and piano for Rock 101 since 2022, but her musical origin story goes back way further than that. When she was 8 years old, her cousin started taking violin lessons. It looked interesting and Kristen asked her if she could try. Her cousin emphatically said NO. Kristen was so annoyed that she decided she would most certainly show her what was what. With the fantastic attitude that only an 8-year-old can muster, Kristen enrolled in violin lessons. And that, as they say, was that.

Kind of. Well, not really. There’s actually a lot more than that.

Annoyance motivated Kristen to start violin, but a love for the instrument kept her there. She enjoyed her teachers and was a diligent student, constantly trying to improve. Meanwhile, real life was happening all around her. She majored in psychology and then worked as an Educational Assistant in Special Ed with Albuquerque Public School (APS). On the side, she performed with various bands, both violin and vocals. She enjoyed working with students and she loved gigging but the effort to maintain both endeavors separately made her feel like she was living two identities. 

After six years with APS, Kristen decided to leave that position and pursue musical adventures. She is currently part of three projects: The High Desert Playboys, The WesternHers, and Clark Andrew Libbey & Kristen Rad. In 2022, she found her way to Rock 101 where she has combined her love for teaching with her love for music. And that, as they say, is that.

Except nope. I did it again. I didn’t even tell you the best part. 

All of Kristen’s teachers acknowledged her diligence as a musician. Kristen always showed up and worked hard; however, that’s not the whole story. Kristen was deep into high school orchestra before she realized that she loved violin but, if she were honest with herself, she was not a violin superstar. As she describes it, she sat in the “way back” of the orchestra, not a musical prodigy at all, despite her tenacity and work ethic.

It wasn’t until she played violin for a rock band that she suddenly realized where her place was: outside of the box. It’s not that she was not super amazing at violin, it’s that she was not super amazing at classical violin. Understanding the magic that happened when she colored outside of the lines brought Kristen’s violin practice to life. Just like her laugh, her musical talents shine best when she uses them joyfully and in a way that is true to herself.

She carries this musical history with her as a teacher. Whether piano or violin lessons, there are no boxes to fit into in Kristen’s classroom. Her students describe her as kind, happy, and a good listener. One of her musical inspirations is Ryan Delahoussaye, the violinist from Blue October. The reason he inspires Kristen is because of his multidimensional nature as a musician. Likewise, this is how she sees her students: as unique individuals with many different facets. She uses fun and upbeat techniques to help her students discover how to shine. Her genuine nature creates an environment where students feel comfortable enough to do just that.

Kristen finds music to be healing on all levels. It is all-encompassing, providing connection and grounding. The first word she uses to describe Rock 101 is embracing, which is exactly how I feel while sitting and talking to her. There is an ease to her authenticity that is both cheerful and supportive. Just as with her laugh, I am delighted.

When she’s not being all sorts of musical, Kristen loves to crochet, knit, sew, and just generally repurpose items. Woodworking with her dad is also something that brings her joy. In essence, she is doing what she does best: taking bits and pieces from her surrounding environment and putting them together in new and fun ways. She sees “normal” items and finds creative ways to make them uniquely beautiful.

The opening lyrics of Blue October’s song “Home” state: “I’ll smile if I want to, Not afraid, gonna flaunt it too, What a glow when you’re living true.” What a wonderfully perfect description of Kristen! As the title of the song indicates, when we are around those who are living their truth, it is easy to feel at home. So here’s to Kristen: May we all have the opportunity to know her, feel inspired by her and - most importantly - laugh with her.

- Danielle Parker


Student of the Month: May 2024 Edition
